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East of Scotland Branch of Ataxia UK |
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Latest update to home page - 18 January 2017. Apologies for missing links and out of date information - much was lost with the secretary's old PC and we hope to update and improve the website soon.
We are delighted to see anyone with a connection to Ataxia - Branch members, friends and families - to our meetings & social events. Newly diagnosed people are especially welcome.
Our next Branch meeting will be held on Saturday 21 January 2017 from 12.30 - 3.30pm at Fountainhall Village Hall, 2 Old Stage Road, Fountainhall TD1 2SY. Fountainhall is in the Scottish Borders south of Edinburgh just off the A7 about 3 miles before Stow. We will be providing teas, coffees and haggis, neeps and tatties to celebrate Rabbie Burns. There's plenty of parking, and good disabled access from the side of the building. Everyone is welcome - hope to see you there!
The next two meetings are planned for Saturday 11th March 2017 and Saturday 13th May 2017 (our AGM). Fountainhall is our new venue, replacing the pokey community room at Lasswade and only about 20 minutes drive south from there.
Also our Treasurer, Frances, has moved house so if you are sending a membership subscription or donation there's a new form to complete HERE. Her phone number is 0131 258 6683.
Reports of meetings:
Ataxia means 'inability to control voluntary movements' and comes from the Greek word meaning 'disorder'. Ataxia is the principal symptom of a group of rare neurological disorders called 'cerebellar ataxias', most of which are progressive. Ataxia UK focuses on these forms of Ataxia, many of which are inherited (source of information, Ataxia UK). Forms of Ataxia include Cerebellar Ataxia (eg spinocerebellar ataxia type 8 - SCA 8) and Friedreich's Ataxia. To date, about 90 forms of SCA have been identified and research is ongoing. The Living with Ataxia page has many links to information about Ataxia.
The East of Scotland Branch (formerly the Edinburgh and Lothians Branch) was founded by Andrea Bothwell in 1995 and has about fifty members. It's our 22nd anniversary this year! We offer regular meetings, support, companionship, advice and help to people with Ataxia, their families and friends. Many people, when newly diagnosed, don't know where to turn: we can provide a helping hand and the benefit of experience: many of our members have lived with Ataxia for up to 50 years. Send us an e mail and we can add you to our mailing list.
The UK national body, a registered charity, Ataxia UK produces a regular magazine for members, an annual conference and helpful leaflets for Ataxia sufferers, plus more technical ones for doctors. Because these conditions are so rare, many GPs don't know much about them - it's not unusual for the person with Ataxia to be the one teaching their doctor! We encourage all our members to become a friend of Ataxia UK.
You will find that this website contains lots of useful advice and information. If you find the print too small or too large, you can change the text size using the View Menu on your browser. Almost all the links in this website open in the same window, just press the 'Back' button to return.
This page was last updated on Wednesday 18 January 2017
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